Hours of Operation

We operate 24 hours a day - every day!

About Us

Welcome to the home of Vesper Medical Transport

About Us

Welcome to the home of Vesper Medical Transport. A Veteran Owned Business!

Our Mission Statement
To provide high quality, safe, and compassionate patient centered care to our patients, care partners, and families within the community. Also to be the most reputable, reliable transport agency within the industry. We strive to be the standard when it comes to transportation service.
Our Core Values
  • Quality: Taking pride in providing high caliber services to our patients and our hospital partners.
  • Integrity: The cornerstone of Good Character. We strive to be honest, trustworthy, fair, responsible, caring, and have the moral courage to do what is right for our patients, their families, our partners, and the communities we serve.
  • Compassion: Providing empathetic care for patients in a warm & thoughtful atmosphere.
  • Diversity: Accepting and Respecting ALL individuals
  • Transparency: By being open & honest about performance, roles, and daily responsibilities, we can all learn from each other’s success & even failures. Transparency fosters growth!
Our leadership team consists of highly respected physicians, concerned with community involvement and the health of citizens in the surrounding area. While the price of medical care is rising sharply, we ensure patients quality healthcare at a reduced cost of care.

V.M.T Services

At Vesper Medical Transport, we offer a variety of specialty care services ranging from interfacility transport to Event Medical Services.
Woman answering on calls

Facility One-Call

Our Fleet

Our medical transportation vehicles are meticulously maintained on a regular basis. 

The Greatest people.

Our Team

Medical Director,
Critical Care Medicine
Director of Medical Transportation

We operate 24 hours a day - Everyday

Call us at 888-664-0092 to make make an appointment or do it online!

Happy Clients

Still not sure? Take a look at what our clients have to say.


Send us a message and representative will follow-up with you

Uncompensated Care Access

Under District of Columbia law, this health care provider must make its services available to all people in the community. This health care provider is not allowed to discriminate against a person because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, matriculation, political affiliation, physical handicap, source of income, or place of residence or business, or because a person is covered by a program such as Medicare or Medicaid. “This health care provider is also required to provide a reasonable volume of services without charge or at a reduced charge to persons unable to pay. Ask the staff if you are eligible to receive services either without charge or at a reduced charge. If you believe that you have been denied services or consideration for treatment without charge or at a reduced charge without a good reason, contact the Admissions or Business Office of this health care provider, and call the State Health Planning and Development Agency through the Citywide Call Center at 202-727-1000.

If you want to file a complaint, forms are available from the State Health Planning and Development Agency.

In accordance with the above, Vesper Medical Transport of DC provides up to $5500 annually of services at no charge or reduced charge for patients unable to pay for transport who request uncompensated care. Upon calling Vesper Medical Transport’s dispatch number to request transport, at 888-664-0092, residents of the District of Columbia may request uncompensated care. A written determination of this request will be provided to any person requesting uncompensated care at time of request via email or within 10 business days of request if by US mail.   

Vesper Medical Transport will satisfy any uncompensated care obligation as defined by District of Columbia law.

Vesper Medical Transport of DC, LLC Aviso de atención no compensada
Según la ley del Distrito de Columbia, Vesper Medical Transport of DC debe poner sus servicios a disposición de todas las personas de la comunidad. Vesper Medical Transport no puede discriminar a una persona por motivos de raza, color, religión, origen nacional, sexo, edad, estado civil, apariencia personal, orientación sexual, responsabilidades familiares, matriculación, afiliación política, discapacidad física, fuente de ingresos, o lugar de residencia o negocio, o porque una persona está cubierta por un programa como Medicare o Medicaid. “Este proveedor de atención médica también está obligado a brindar un volumen razonable de servicios sin cargo o a un costo reducido a las personas que no pueden pagar. Pregunte al personal si es elegible para recibir servicios sin cargo o a un costo reducido. Si cree que se le han denegado los servicios o la consideración para el tratamiento sin cargo o a un precio reducido sin una buena razón, comuníquese con la Oficina Comercial o de Admisiones de este proveedor de atención médica y llame a la Agencia Estatal de Planificación y Desarrollo de la Salud a través del Centro de Llamadas de la Ciudad al 202 -727-1000.

Si desea presentar una queja, los formularios están disponibles en la Agencia Estatal de Planificación y Desarrollo de la Salud.

De acuerdo con lo anterior, Vesper Medical Transport of DC brinda $5500 anuales de servicios sin cargo o con cargo reducido para pacientes que no pueden pagar el transporte y solicitan atención no compensada. Al llamar al número de despacho de Vesper Medical Transport para solicitar transporte, al 888-664-0092, los residentes del Distrito de Columbia pueden solicitar atención no compensada. Se proporcionará una determinación por escrito de esta solicitud a cualquier persona que solicite atención no compensada en el momento de la solicitud por correo electrónico o dentro de los 10 días hábiles posteriores a la solicitud si se envía por correo de los EE. UU.

Vesper Medical Transport cumplirá con cualquier obligación de atención no compensada según lo definido por la ley del Distrito de Columbia y no tiene obligaciones de atención pendientes no compensadas.